About Us


Chronology of UCCC Milestones:

•12 February 2017 – Promulgation of the UCCC Constitution

•09 April 2017 – First democratic general elections

•14 May 2017 - Inauguration of the UCCC Monthly Cultural Social Event (Kibbiitu) courtesy of Padro Pio Prayer Group who fully sponsored the event. This is characterised by a traditional meal, music, dance and drama, poems, workshops for adults and children.

•November 2017 – Formation of Cell Groups (Bubondo)

•19 February 2018 -UCCC hosted The Rt Rev Paul Semogerere Bishop of Kasana-Luwero Diocese who presided over the Kigungu Day Celebrations. The function was graced by, among others, the Rt. Rev. Paul Hendricks, one of the Auxiliary Bishops of Southwark Archdiocese.

•19 February 2018 – Bishop Paul Semogerere and Bishop Paul Hendricks graced the launching of a UCCC Campaign and the fundraising drive to purchase our own Community Hall code named “The Buy Hall Project”.

•11 March 2018 – Second democratic general elections

•11 March 2018 - Resolved at our annual general meeting to extend the “term of office” for leaders from one year to three years

•29 May 2018 - UCCC joined with Parishioners of St. Chad South Norwood to host The Most Rev Peter Smith, Archbishop of Southwark. At this function UCCC donated a presidential Chair used in Church

•10 June 2018 – UCCC joined with the other Ugandan Communities in the UK to host The Rt Rev Mathias Sekamanya, Bishop Emeritus of Lugazi Diocese who presided over the Uganda Martyrs Day celebrations

•22 July 2018 – Family Day Out held at Wandle Park in Croydon

•30 August 2018 - UCCC successfully registered as a private company limited by guarantee and incorporated in England No. 11542704.

•02 September 2018 – Second Family Day Out held in Crystal Palace Park

•09 September 2018 – Health Promotion Workshop on HIV/AIDS and Prostate Cancer

•December 2018 –UCCC took a very active part in organizing the induction of Rev Fr Matthias Mulumba Kizito (also a member of UCCC) as Parish Priest of St John Fisher Catholic Church in Merton

•17 February 2019 – UCCC hosted The Rt. Rev. Paul Semogerere Bishop of Kasana-Luwero who presided over the Kigungu Day Celebrations for the second time in a row.

•14 April 2019 – UCCC Juniors Sunday/Palm Sunday. The children took a leading role in all activities including all parts of liturgy, preparation of a (traditional) dinner and serving it, entertainment.

•14 April 2019 – Presentation to children by a Motivational Speaker (Aaron Kent): Topics - Confidence, Developing Positive Habits and Peer Pressure.

•19 May 2019 – UCCC Juniors staged a cultural dance at Spitalfields Market – Fundraising Event Organised by the Comboni Sisters.

•10 June 2019 – UCCC hosted the Croydon Mayor Humayun Kabir on the Uganda Martyr’s Day, the Uganda High Commissioner to the UK His Excellence Julius Peter Moto was also in attendance.

•08 September 2019 – UCCC hosted The Most Rev. Peter Kairo Emeritus Archbishop from Nyeri – Kenya who presided over Mass dedicated to Rev. Fr. Charles Kaweesi and Rev. Fr. Mathias Kizito on their achievement of 25 years in priesthood.

•09 October 2019 – Croydon Mayor Humayun Kabir raised the Ugandan Flag at his chambers in recognition of the Ugandan Community in Croydon and commemorated the Uganda Independence Day.

•15 December 2019 – UCCC Junior’s Christmas Party

•17 February 2020 – UCCC hosted Rev. Fr. Deogratias Kiibi Kateregga (Mpigi – Uganda), Rev. Fr. Dennis Warren Kibalama (Mutundwe Parish -Uganda) and Rev. Fr. Ambrose Gombya (Mulajje Parish – Uganda) on Kigungu Day Celebrations. Rev. Fr. Kiibi presided over the event and the Uganda High Commissioner to Britain His Excellence Julius Peter Moto also attended.

•01 March 2020 - Strengthening Families Seminar (Joined with other faith groups and Buganda Kingdom-UK)

•18/03/2020 – UCCC Covid-19 Task Force was formed

•20/03/2020 – Initiation of UCCC Covid-19 Relief

• 11/06/2020 - UCCC successfully gained the charity status from the Charity Commission (Charity Number: 1189892)

• 04/09/2020 – UCCC was offered a grant of £9287 from London Community Response Fund for food parcels, Electricity and Gas Top Ups, Counselling, Laptops towards UCCC Covid Relief Project 2.

• 16/12/2020 – UCCC was offered a grant of £9856.00 from the City of London for food parcels, gas and electricity top ups towards UCCC Covid Relief Project 3 Funds reached UCCC Account on 04/01/2021 - (Project successfully completed).

• 28/03/2021 – UCCC Annual General Meeting held. The Chairperson Board of Trustees Ms Beatrice Kintu announced that general elections were postponed until September 2021 due to Covid-19 pandemic/Lockdown.

• 25/07/2021 – As a result of the Government lifting of Covid Restrictions, UCCC held competitions in various games at Crystal Palace Park to encourage children and adult to come out of their houses and gain vitamin D, physical fitness and emotional stability.

• 12/09/2021 – UCCC Second Democratic General Elections held.

• 18/12/2021 – UCCC Christmas Dinner Party

•13/02/2022 – Kigungu Day Celebrations. 

• 01/05/2022 – UCCC Annual General Meeting held. 

• 28/05/2022 – UCCC Singles And Lovers Fundraising Dinner

• 12/06/2021 – UCCC hosted Fr. Dennis Warren Kibalama (Mutundwe Parish -Uganda) among other priests on Uganda martyrs' Day Celebrations.

Church Services

Ugandan mass is celebrated every Second Sunday of each month, 2:00pm at St Chad Catholic Church led by a Ugandan Priest. It’s normally conducted mainly in Luganda and English. This is to encourage our children to understand mass clearly and strengthen the concept of identity in our community. The mass is also streamed live online. 

UCCC Board Of Trustees

  1. Beatrice Nabulya (chairperson)
  2. Betty Kyohairwe (secretary)
  3. Pauline Bossa (Treasurer)

Interim executive committee (New Management committee will take place in September 2024)

  1. Mr. Robert M Mugambe (CEO)
  2. Mr. Charles Mulindwa (Mobiliser)
  3. Mrs. Pauline Bbosa (Treasurer)
  4. Mrs Faith Mugambe (Children and young people coordinator)
  5. Mr Moris Kalanzi (Men’s fellowship leader)
  6. Mrs Sylvia Kibuuka (Women’s fellowship leader)
  7. Ms Judith Kiwanuka (Liturgy Officer)
  8. Ms Annah Kabagambire (Secretary)

Cell Groups (Bubondo) Leaders

  1. Mrs Caroline Kadowe (St Kaloli)
  2. Ms Betty Mukas (St Jude)
  3. Mr John Kawooya (St Kizito)
  4. Ms Juliet Jagwe (St Dennis)
  5. Mr Isaac Bongole (Maama Maria)